Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory

Paper Info
Page count 2
Word count 536
Read time 2 min
Topic Sociology
Type Essay
Language 🇺🇸 US

Feminist ethics theory concerns the empowerment of women in society. It was developed in the mid-twentieth century to account for the role of males and females. The theory focused on questioning the position of women in the community. At the start, the theory aimed at psychology’s observational studies and later, it was used in moral behavior as a positive normative. Feminist ethics theory came into existence after the female philosophers worked on different moral traditions in society. Feminists/ female philosophers formulate the theory based on the traditional perceptions on undervaluing morale experience of morale. Ethics focus on the moral behaviors in society regardless of their geographical locations. Women should not be undervalued in society based on the traditional perspectives on gender roles. With this background, the essay discusses the feminist ethical theory and its application to gender and ethical moralities.

Ethical standards are the backbone of morality in different societies. Male and females ought to be treated equally in society as a way of promoting ethical standards. Feminist ethical theory helps in balancing the responsibilities taken by two genders in the community. “The distribution of roles between the two genders is vital” (Tong and Williams, 6). Women play a great role in society by considering ethical standards. There is no need for emphasis on the legal and morality on the separate realities. Morality between women and men s promoted when there is a clear definition of roles. The primary role of Feminist ethical theory in society is to initiate balance among the men and women in the society. Some of the traditional beliefs on the roles of a woman in society are lame hence being overcovered by the effective application of feminist ethics theory. It is ethical for every gender to understand its role in society.

The feminist ethical theory is applied to determine the position of a woman in society. “Concerning the metaethics of radical feminism, ladies were traditionally defined as being submissive in terms of morality, impartiality, and rationality” (Tong and Williams, 17). It is argued that women should be valued for their role in childbearing as opposed to engaging in wars and killings. Giving ladies their opportunities in society for them to practice their roles that comply with the ethical standards promotes the values and moralities of the society. However, some feminists’ philosophers have promoted immorality in the community by diverting the position of a lady in society by promoting lesbians. From the traditional point of view, immorality was wrong, and such immoral acts must be reviewed by setting up new feminist’s standards.

The feminist ethical theory promotes identity in a society which is one of the ethical standards. Women can identify their rational identities by defining their gender roles. “Traditionally, women were treated as minorities in the west, but through feminists’ activities, every lady has known and identified her role in the society as an empowered girly” (Tong and Williams, 34). Women empowerment promotes equity in a community leading to the standardization of ethical morals. Women were directly harmed by denying them opportunities to education, leadership, and taking the lead of some activities in the community. Ethical morality and equity were transpired by the feminine activist for fighting the girl child rights.

Works Cited

Tong, Rosemarie, and Nancy Williams. “Feminist Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).” Stanford.edu, vol. 10, no. 7, 2009, pp. 5–40.

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EssaysInCollege. (2022, December 13). Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory. https://essaysincollege.com/feminist-ethics-as-a-modern-ethical-theory/

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"Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory." EssaysInCollege, 13 Dec. 2022, essaysincollege.com/feminist-ethics-as-a-modern-ethical-theory/.


EssaysInCollege. (2022) 'Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory'. 13 December.


EssaysInCollege. 2022. "Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory." December 13, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminist-ethics-as-a-modern-ethical-theory/.

1. EssaysInCollege. "Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory." December 13, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminist-ethics-as-a-modern-ethical-theory/.


EssaysInCollege. "Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory." December 13, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminist-ethics-as-a-modern-ethical-theory/.


EssaysInCollege. 2022. "Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory." December 13, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminist-ethics-as-a-modern-ethical-theory/.

1. EssaysInCollege. "Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory." December 13, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminist-ethics-as-a-modern-ethical-theory/.


EssaysInCollege. "Feminist Ethics as a Modern Ethical Theory." December 13, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminist-ethics-as-a-modern-ethical-theory/.