Feminism: Sociological Isuues

Paper Info
Page count 1
Word count 301
Read time 2 min
Topic Sociology
Type Essay
Language 🇺🇸 US

The femininity roles in every society entail being passive, being subordinate, and nurturing. Conerly et al., mentions an example of the various types of feminism as liberal feminism. The liberal feminism asserts that women should have equal rights as men hence should be given the same employment and job opportunities. There is cultural feminism which spells out feminism based on biological, behavioral, and personality principles. Structural functionalism feminism points out that changes in the economic sector and family structure have prompted women to assume the role of the family head and wage earners. Radical feminism puts into consideration the family’s role in the perpetuation of male dominance as the female contributions are lowly valued compared to that made by men and that their point of view is often silenced. Global feminism avers that globalization affects different gender, ethnicity, status, and sexualities therefore, global feminism recognizes the diversity and reinforces diversity through various global movements. The type of feminism that makes the most sense is radical feminism. This is because it seeks to reject the opinion that women should only be seen as an object used for child bearing, marriage, and for performing house chores.

This type of feminism supersedes other types as it refutes the claim that women are marginalized and discriminated against. Radical feminism asserts that women develop characteristics such as sharing, caring, warmth, and persuasion in their everyday experiences and that men could develop these characteristics too if they wanted to be compassionate (Conerly et al.). For instance, radical feminism points out that male dominance in society is bound to result in most men using physical violence such as rape since all men derive power from their dominant social status. Therefore, radical feminism argues that men are gender exploitation beneficiaries as they are perceived to be societally most favored.

Work Cited

Conerly, Tonja R et al. Introduction to Sociology 3E. OpenStax, pp. 239-402

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EssaysInCollege. (2022, December 23). Feminism: Sociological Isuues. Retrieved from https://essaysincollege.com/feminism-sociological-isuues/


EssaysInCollege. (2022, December 23). Feminism: Sociological Isuues. https://essaysincollege.com/feminism-sociological-isuues/

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"Feminism: Sociological Isuues." EssaysInCollege, 23 Dec. 2022, essaysincollege.com/feminism-sociological-isuues/.


EssaysInCollege. (2022) 'Feminism: Sociological Isuues'. 23 December.


EssaysInCollege. 2022. "Feminism: Sociological Isuues." December 23, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminism-sociological-isuues/.

1. EssaysInCollege. "Feminism: Sociological Isuues." December 23, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminism-sociological-isuues/.


EssaysInCollege. "Feminism: Sociological Isuues." December 23, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminism-sociological-isuues/.


EssaysInCollege. 2022. "Feminism: Sociological Isuues." December 23, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminism-sociological-isuues/.

1. EssaysInCollege. "Feminism: Sociological Isuues." December 23, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminism-sociological-isuues/.


EssaysInCollege. "Feminism: Sociological Isuues." December 23, 2022. https://essaysincollege.com/feminism-sociological-isuues/.