Amazing Dissertation Samples

Victimology: Definition of the Concept

Gardella, J. H., Fisher, B. W., & Teurbe-Tolon, A. R. (2017). A systematic review and meta-analysis of cyber-victimization and educational outcomes for adolescents. Review of Educational Research, 87(2), 283-308. The current study was written by three college teachers. Gardella, Fisher, and Teurbe-Tolon (2017) were rather interested in the fact that...

2005 French Riots: Immigrants and Political Perspective

In October 2005, two youths “were electrocuted and died as the fled the police in Clichy-sous-Bois” (Koff and Duprez 715). The two French citizens were of Tunisian and Malian descent. Their unexpected deaths ignited almost three weeks of unrest in over 270 towns in different parts of France. Majority of...

Data Analysis Adjunct to Methodology Section

Subsequent to transcription and encoding of all data, computer-aided content analysis proceeded employing the Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC) software, 2007 version, developed by Pennebaker et al. (6-10). Like previously-popular, if dated, alternatives in the computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) field – Nudist and Atlas/ti (Barry 1-2) –...

The American Hero in Fitzgerald’s Novels

Fitzgerald’s novels presented a new form of hero and/or antihero. The removal of the separation between the hero and the antihero presents a strong element of non-judgmental attitude of the author towards his protagonists. Fitzgerald’s heroes are predominantly romantic heroes who are initially charming, intelligent, and invariably are drawn towards...