Incredible Sciences Essay Examples

Applying Probability Theory to Real Life

Human life is full of uncertainty and chance, which, as it often is, determines the course of being. Unplanned encounters, abrupt changes, accidents, injuries, or luck can significantly affect the quality of life, and even if an individual seeks only authorized and pre-modeled conditions, randomness cannot be eliminated. Strictly speaking,...

Water Hyacinth and Nutrient Concentrations Experiment

The purpose of the experiment “Growth and Resource Allocation of Water Hyacinth as Affected by Gradually Increasing Nutrient Concentrations” was to determine, whether the regular growth of nutrient concentration stimulates the water hyacinth growth and whether biomass allocation plays an important role in the resource acquisition process. The groups of...

Growth of Water Hyacinth Experiment

Studying the action of plant growth under varying nutrient supplies to comprehend their survival tactics is enlightening. The purpose of the experiment by Xie et al. was to examine the influence of slowly increasing quantities of nutrients on the growth, nutrient acquirement, and resource apportionment of water hyacinth in aquaria...

Research Methods: Explanation and Evaluation

Introduction The success of any study depends on the selection of the research methods. They are selected together with the research design and are grounded on the purposes of the research, types of data and variables (Creswell & Poth, 2017). Every research design has advantages and disadvantages. Thus, its effectiveness...

Student Anxiety for an Exam and Study Hours

Introduction The Psychological research question for my analysis is: Does student anxiety for an exam increase the study hours? Null hypothesis (H0) states that student anxiety for an exam has no significant effect on the number of study hours. Alternative hypothesis (H1) states that student anxiety for an exam has...

Unicellular, Multicellular, and Colonial Organisms

The world of unicellular, colonial, and multicellular organisms is very variable and polysyllabic. The diversity of their forms is fantastic. Therefore, the reflection of their features, differences, and many other interesting aspects is the main purpose of this work. The number of cells in the body is related to its...

Origins of Mathematics in Ancient Civilizations

The role of the following civilizations and their impact on mathematics China The ancient Chinese invented an uncomplicated numbering system, which is considered to be at least four thousand years old. Its essence lied in the use of tiny bamboo poles that were organized in such order that they mirrored...

Nitrogen Assimilation and Nitrate Reductase in Plants

Introduction Nitrogen is an essential element of all amino acid synthesis and components of nucleic acid and chlorophyll. The plant uptake the nitrogen from soil mainly with the nitrate form. However, the exogenous nitrate can be assimilated by an enzyme into the organic product. According to Srivastava (1979), the nitrate...

“Growth and Resource Allocation of Water Hyacinth” by Xie et al.

The article in question is published in 2004 and deals with the resource allocation of water hyacinth (Xie, Wen, Yu and Li 257). The researchers tried to understand the way the species will react to the increase in nutrients. This paper includes a summary of the article. The focus is...

Concepts and Environmental Applications

Introduction Environment entails the total surroundings including both living and nonliving factors. In its total composition, the environment supports both the biotic and abiotic factors in it through provision of nourishment and habitat. Human activities over time continue to ruin the environment through pollution and therefore, a social movement, known...