The Eating Disorders: Types and Influences

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Page count 3
Word count 701
Read time 3 min
Topic Health
Type Essay
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An eating disorder is a condition whereby an individual is characterized by persistent disturbance in their eating behavior. Many eating disorders emanate from distressing emotions and thoughts, and it ranges from mild to chronic disorder (Wilson et al. 71). The most common types of eating disorders include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. In anorexia nervosa, the encompassing of behaviors like dieting, over-exercising, fasting, diuretics, consumption of diet pills, vomiting, and laxatives is included (Wilson et al. 73). Many women, as compared to men, are affected by anorexia. Bulimia nervosa has the urge to constantly consume large amounts of food followed by excessive exercise, purging, and fasting. Bulimic individuals are normally thin or overweight. Eating disorders have caused mental problems because people with such conditions usually develop low self-esteem.

Influences of Diet on the Eating Disorders


People with this eating disorder are faced with a potential threat of intense fear of gaining weight. The distorted perception about shape and weight interferes with their normal healthy living activities. Anorexia individuals limit the intake of calories or use diet aids and excessive exercises to ensure the amount of food they have eaten goes into immediate use (Wilson et al. 73). At times such individuals induce vomiting to lose weight or ensure the food consumed do not increase their weight. The diet influence of such a case does more harm than good because it goes to waste. Anorexia nervosa causes severe health problems to the point of deadly health starvation.


Bulimia is a life-threatening eating disorder because the person with such a condition feels like they do not control their eating schedules. The person can have episodes of purging and bingeing to increase space for food. Many people with bulimia restrict themselves from eating during the day, having binge eating habits, and purging sessions. During bulimia episodes, an individual might eat a large amount of food within a short time and get rid of it using unhealthy ways (Wilson et al.). Due to guilt or shame, these people develop a fear of gaining weight from overeating. The guilt makes them resort to vomiting or ensuring they engage in intense exercise such as laxatives to get rid of the calories consumed. Anybody with bulimia has their ideologies occupied with maintaining their weight and body shape. Such people fear being judged harshly by the general public about their body appearance.

Measures affecting Eating Disorder


Building the self-esteem of a person might help in ensuring they practice good eating habits. People with anorexia express constant disdain in their body hence making them vulnerable to poor eating habits. Whenever someone has poor eating habits, they start having behavioral changes and emotional distress (Wilson et al.). Such people tend to skip meals or refuse to consume food; they fear eating in public, develop social withdrawal, and frequently use the mirror to check their perceived flaws.


Bulimia can impact the health of a person if they do not seek medical attention. It causes mental disorders if left to reach chronic levels and even death. People with bulimia constantly lament their bodies being fat; they have damaged teeth and gums, their hands and feet swell, and their cheeks and facial muscles swell due to enlarged glands. It is good to discourage dieting and talking about weight gain. People with bulimia should be encouraged to enjoy food with other family members. It is diagnosed through a physical test, electrocardiogram, or urine tests.


Bulimia and anorexia are psychiatric disorders characterized by an individual’s eating behavior. Eating disorders are prevalent in western cultures, and to minimize their effects, the person affected should be advised to have imagery therapy. The therapy controls the mindset of the patient because it improves the binge and purging behaviors (Wilson et al.). Combining treatments and psychological therapies can improve the well-being of people with eating disorders. In chronic circumstances, an individual should be given antidepressants to enable them to achieve normal eating schedules. Light therapy helps decrease binge effects because it makes the patient accept their body physique and work towards making them realize they are unique, just like any other being. Eating disorders can be reversed once the patient accepts their body types.

Work Cited

Wilson, Daniel R. et al. “Similarities and Differences in Revised Reinforcement Sensitivities across Eating Disorder Subtypes”. Appetite, vol 133, 2019, pp. 70-76. Elsevier BV, Web.

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"The Eating Disorders: Types and Influences." EssaysInCollege, 19 Nov. 2022,


EssaysInCollege. (2022) 'The Eating Disorders: Types and Influences'. 19 November.


EssaysInCollege. 2022. "The Eating Disorders: Types and Influences." November 19, 2022.

1. EssaysInCollege. "The Eating Disorders: Types and Influences." November 19, 2022.


EssaysInCollege. "The Eating Disorders: Types and Influences." November 19, 2022.


EssaysInCollege. 2022. "The Eating Disorders: Types and Influences." November 19, 2022.

1. EssaysInCollege. "The Eating Disorders: Types and Influences." November 19, 2022.


EssaysInCollege. "The Eating Disorders: Types and Influences." November 19, 2022.