Amazing Thesis Samples

Negative Aftereffects of a Gastric Bypass Surgery

Obesity is a complex disease that involves an excessive amount of body fat. It is not simply a cosmetic concern; it is a medical condition that can increase the risk of other diseases and health problems. Obesity is a growing public health concern in developed countries, and it is estimated...

Corruption and Organized Crime in Europe

Introduction Background Information According to the Transparency International, European countries are some of the least corrupt nations in the world. In fact, out of the 10 countries classified as least corrupt in the world, 6 are from Europe (Jardine, 2011). According to Jardine (2011), there is no country in Europe...

Digitalization Impact on the UAE National Security

Cybersecurity in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is influenced by global and local factors and has a direct impact on national security. As countries launched its digitalization initiatives and focused on the digital connectivity for authorities and people, cybercrime has also evolved and became a primary threat for governments of...

Architecture: Materiality and Space

Architecture is a form of science and human representation of forms and imagination has paved a way to the modern style and design. Since ancient times people have been very elaborate and creative in building both public and private structures, and the interplay between the building materials and a person...

Hinduism and Christianity: Nature of the Sacred Scripture, Ethics

Hinduism can be defined as a religion that holds many beliefs and practices while Christianity holds specific beliefs. It would be a challenging task to give a comparison between the two religions although there are some unique similarities and differences. One major difference between Hinduism and Christianity is that Hinduism...