Amazing Essay Samples

Management Crisis at Brendan Hospital

The case surrounds the management of Brendan hospital where Mr. Don Wherry is the CEO. Mr. wherry is going through a rough time after he lost favor with the board Of Trustees, doctors, and nurses. Many allegations are made against him including negligence of his duties, lack of professionalism, and...

Management of Cardiogenic Shock Patients

Part 1 Literature review Introduction Despite tremendous development in the treatment of patients suffering from acute coronary syndromes, the incidence of cardiogenic shock has not declined significantly (Goldberg, Samad, and Yarzebski, 1999). Indeed, the rate of occurrence of cardiogenic shock has been stable in the last three decades. Cardiogenic shock...

Ethics in the Public Health Field

Ethics plays an important role in the field of public health as healthcare professionals have to make numerous decisions every day. These decisions are often related to ethical dilemmas. Therefore, medical schools have to incorporate ethics in their curriculum to make future healthcare professionals ready to make correct decisions. Ethics...

Healthcare Resources and Equity in Their Distribution

Introduction Health care resources are represented by the facilities, personnel, funds, and all the elements used for providing medical services. Medicine is necessary for everyone, thus creating an unlimited demand for limited resources. For example, until the beginning of the 20th century, the United States allocated their health care assets...

Outcome Evaluation in Health Care

Introduction The communication process in the health care process is regarded as one of the most important factors that help to define the requirements of the treatment process, as well as coordinate the health care processes in general. The outcome evaluation is closely associated with the entire communication process, as...

Transition and Leadership Opportunities in Nursing

With the rapid changes taking place in the sphere of nursing, contemporary leaders should adapt to the ongoing changes and question the appropriateness of traditional practices. The critical evaluation of the long-established routines and thinking outside the box is crucial for choosing the style of leadership which is most relevant...

General Audience and Technical Research Article Comparison

This memo seeks to analyze two different writing perspectives on a similar topic. The article by Ken Flieger is a periodical in the popular general audience FDA Consumer magazine (19). Meanwhile, the technical research paper by Emmerson is a scientific publication in a respected academic New England Journal of Medicine...

Oral Cancer Contributing Factors

Introduction Over the years, cancer has developed into a serious chronic problem that affects a significant proportion of contemporary society. Cancer entails the uncontrollable growth and development of cells that attack and induce damage to the surrounding tissues (Petersen, 2009). Oral cancer, which is also referred to as mouth cancer,...

Financing of the Health Care Facilities

Health care is a large sector of the American economy, and medicine is a priority area of the US government’s interest. Health policy affects the essential interests of almost all groups and classes of society (Green & Bowie, 2018). It means that the sphere is constantly evolving and undergoing certain...

Hinduism and Hinduism Beliefs

Majorly, the Indians adhere to Hinduism as a religion composed of beliefs and practices which lead to permanence or impermanence in faith. Historically, Hinduism emerged from the cultural traditions and beliefs in dharma designed to shape society. It consists of karma and other societal standards used to define morality in...

Iran’s Vision of the World in Henry Kissinger’s View

The world states are continually facing the task of developing mutually beneficial relations with other actors of international relations. Close cooperation and mutual understanding are necessary for solving significant regional and world problems. However, the vision of the world can differ significantly among different countries and influence possible cooperation. Henry...

Influences of Culture, Perceptions and Beliefs

Introduction History, routines, and rituals influence the practice of nursing (Giger & Davidhizer, 2008). There are different dimensions of the Hispanic culture that affect personal life and health. The main feature of Hispanic culture is the social orientation that is based on interdependence, teamwork, and interpersonal relations (Galarraga, 2007). For...

The Doctrine of Stare Decisis

Stare decisis is a term used in the legal field to describe a doctrine that obligates courts to make reference to historical cases when making rulings on comparable cases. It is important because it maintains uniformity and promotes fairness with regard to the rulings made in the judicial system. Moreover,...

Engagement in Democracy

Is citizen Engagement necessary for a democracy to function? Engagement in democratic government enables individuals to have the power to control government actions and also influence policy development. Civic engagement brings people from all social classes together, stimulates the change of policies that affect their daily lives, and controls government...

The Affordable Care Act Made Health Care Affordable

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, was enacted into law by President Barack Obama in 2010. It was an overhaul of the United States’ healthcare system that was aimed at increasing health care coverage among the citizens. It was the most extensive and significant reform since the...

Creative Technologies in Australian Curriculum

Over time, the academic environment in which a child’s full personal and professional development takes place is being modified by current changes in the global approach to learning. Over the past decades, the fields of digital knowledge have become crucial for the learning industry, and the proper, careful use of...

The Brief History of Aviation

Introduction It is hard to disagree that this world and its incredible innovations and development of an extended number of areas and fields are brilliant and astonishing. People continue improving healthcare, transportation, education, economics, and other social spheres. If one looks back hundreds and thousands of years ago, one will...

Philosophical Critique of Positivism in Sociology

The given paper will primarily focus on the application of major philosophical perspectives or views of Popper and Kuhn on the theory of positivism in sociology. Positivism is one of the leading trends in sociology, which played an important role in its formation and development. It proceeds from the fact...

When Work Is Punishment

The work of prisoners is an essential aspect of re-education and the positive habits for subsequent socialization after release. Many prisons throughout the country make extensive use of the practice of introducing labor into the detention process. It should be noted that this process must necessarily be voluntary; otherwise, forced...

Should the Arctic National Refuge Be Opened to Oil Drilling?

The question of whether to drill oil in the Arctic National wildlife Refuge (ANWR) or not to drill it at all has been one of the most controversial issues in the United States. Environmental conservationists hold one common view that, drilling oil in the ANWR will cause an irreversible damage...

Hemodynamic Monitoring and Peripheral Intravenous Catheters

Purpose The first course will focus on teaching hemodynamic monitoring and hemodynamic instability in critically ill patients. The course will include a review of the cardiopulmonary system, appropriate methods for monitoring, causes of hemodynamic instability, and the nurses’ role within the team dynamic in regards to proper hemodynamic monitoring. The...

Applying Probability Theory to Real Life

Human life is full of uncertainty and chance, which, as it often is, determines the course of being. Unplanned encounters, abrupt changes, accidents, injuries, or luck can significantly affect the quality of life, and even if an individual seeks only authorized and pre-modeled conditions, randomness cannot be eliminated. Strictly speaking,...

Water Hyacinth and Nutrient Concentrations Experiment

The purpose of the experiment “Growth and Resource Allocation of Water Hyacinth as Affected by Gradually Increasing Nutrient Concentrations” was to determine, whether the regular growth of nutrient concentration stimulates the water hyacinth growth and whether biomass allocation plays an important role in the resource acquisition process. The groups of...

Big Data in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges

Big Data management offers considerable opportunities in healthcare – for example, in refining the treatment procedures. The main appeal of Big Data is the fact that it allows for establishing previously unnoticed patterns within large amounts of information. In particular, data mining would allow accounting for more factors in treatment,...

Growth of Water Hyacinth Experiment

Studying the action of plant growth under varying nutrient supplies to comprehend their survival tactics is enlightening. The purpose of the experiment by Xie et al. was to examine the influence of slowly increasing quantities of nutrients on the growth, nutrient acquirement, and resource apportionment of water hyacinth in aquaria...

Television Melodrama and Multiplicity Principle

David Thorburn in “Television Melodrama” introduces the concept of multiplicity principle many producers are capitalizing on to win the heart of their viewers (601). Like many issues around the globe, Thorburn illustrates that the television melodrama series is also transforming with times to keep many viewers glued to the entertainment...

Confucianism and Daoism Relationship

Introduction Confucianism and Daoism are among well-known Eastern philosophical and religious doctrines. These teachings have both similar and distinctive features, and the long history of their formation and development explains specific approaches to the interpretation of universal human values and norms. The religious foundations of statehood promoted by the two...

The Myth of Multiculturalism in Canada

For several years now, Canada has been both recognized and praised by many parents is for its unique ability and for converting its multicultural population into a mosaic. This approach to multiculturalism is preferred, rather than emulating the idea of the melting pot which has been the experience in the...

Amazon E-Business Model

Amazon is a worldwide sensation, a huge international corporation that once was just a small site for the resale of books. Such an active and successful development would not have been possible without well-planned management. The purpose of the essay is to analyze the electronic business model of the corporation....

Literacy in the Classroom: Clinical Field Experience

Instruction and assessment are important parts of any lesson, and the educator has to utilize different techniques to make sure that learners can achieve their academic goals. Students are engaged if the teacher is positive and supportive, so the provision of feedback should always be detailed and engaging (OfficialTPSD, 2016)....

A Biography of Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919) was an American statesman, conservationist, historian, writer, and naturalist. He served as the 26th President of the United States between 1901 and 1909 (West, 2020). He was the youngest person ever to become president and earned a reputation as a progressive reformer throughout his political career. Theodore...

On the Essence of “The Significance of the Frontier”

Turner’s “The significance of the frontier in American history” is known as one of the most influential texts in the American historical tradition, and rightfully so. While it is no doubt controversial in many respects, and many of its assumptions can be corrected or outright denied, the sheer cultural importance...

Lean Startup Approach

The notion of moving forward as quickly as possible is not related to rushing through the whole process. Instead, it is about validating a business idea at the earliest stage of launching a business. In place of spending an enormous amount of time and money on developing a product and...

Telehealth Initiative and Economic Opportunity in Houston

Telehealth is a business initiative in the sphere of healthcare aimed at socially or economically marginalized populations and those who do not have full access to healthcare. Even though the idea of using telecommunication technologies in healthcare is assumed to be cost-effective, some financial and other risks still exist and...

America’s Foreign Policy from 1793 to 1812

In the 1790-s, as a country that had only recently gained its independence, America was preoccupied with developing its foundational principles. However, the revolution in France and its subsequent war with Great Britain demanded the U.S. adjust its foreign policies. The government needed to find the most politically and economically...

1984 Apple Commercial Analysis

The commercial in question was only aired once during the 1984 Super Bowl, but it has made a lasting impact on the advertising industry. The short video shows a bright female figure in a dark dystopian world. Despite the efforts of security forces, the woman manages to throw her sledgehammer...

Multilateralism. World Order and Transformation

Introduction The 21st century is well-familiar with the socioeconomic phenomenon of globalism which has overtaken the world. However, globalism remains a small part of and is largely supported by a concept known as multilateralism which emerged back in the 20th century as the ‘new world order’ and gradually developed. It...

Bispectral Index Monitors During Anesthesia

Executive summary The given paper revolves around the idea of implementing BIS monitors as the standard of care during general anesthesia to decrease intraoperative awareness, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce post-operative complications. The given goal is analyzed from the perspective of quadruple aim as one of the fundamental paradigms for...

Alaska Air Group: Financial Analysis Report

Summary This report presents Alaska Air Group’s financial report. Alaska Air is a publicly-traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (McLaney and Atrill 181; Deegan 281; Collier 98). The company operates under Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation. In addition, the company sector falls under the category of Transportation and Warehousing...

Researching of Philosophy of Religion

Introduction Religion has been an integral part of human life for many millennia. It has a direct impact on many social and psychological processes. Even in the modern world, disputes about such fundamental issues as God and religion do not subside. Theology and philosophy of religion are concerned with the...

Media and Victims with Blame

Introduction The crime usually presupposes the involvement of two parties in it: the offender and the victim. The present lab project is based on the study of real legal cases that are presented as the set of related items from popular media sources. Thus, the laboratory work proves the usefulness...

Computer Programs in Architecture

Introduction Computer architecture is a model used to explain how hardware and software are interconnected to form a system. It explains the structure of the system and how given elements are related to each other. According to Findley, this form of architecture can be viewed as the process of developing...

Csikszentmihalyi: Psychology of Discovery and Invention

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a renowned professor of psychology and the author of the book “Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention” and is the latest book by the professor. In this book, creativity is closely examined by the author and clearly brought out in the chapters though some people believe...

The Design of a New School Complex

Summary The invitation to submit a proposal for the design of a new school complex was a challenge to this firm. The people working in this firm belief in the importance of education when it comes to the creation of a fair and just society, building strong communities and developing...

Battery and Mental Disability – Clara Johnson

Issue Clara Johnson, who was accused of battery, needs to be determined mentally incompetent since she has a 5-year-old child’s mental activity, which requires some other competent person to act on her behalf. Facts Criminal competency means a defendant’s capacity to understand the allegations, being mentally competent, to ensure that...

Unicellular, Multicellular, and Colonial Organisms

The world of unicellular, colonial, and multicellular organisms is very variable and polysyllabic. The diversity of their forms is fantastic. Therefore, the reflection of their features, differences, and many other interesting aspects is the main purpose of this work. The number of cells in the body is related to its...

1980s Disco Music Comparison

The given comparison assessment will primarily focus on Stacy Lattisaw’s disco song of 1980 called Dynamite and The Brothers Johnson’s Stomp! In terms of lyrics, the former piece focuses on love and dancing, whereas the latter one particularly emphasizes partying. Both performances call for a certain level of celebration, and...

Common Health Traditions of Cultural Heritage

Evaluation and Discussion of the Way Families Subscribe to the Traditions and Practices The questions of the heritage assessment tool (HAT) bring out a patient’s background, family relations, religious practices, and social support beliefs that help in increasing knowledge of culturally based health beliefs and practices, which end up informing...

“Nursing Malpractice” Article by Croke

Introduction Negligent acts and nursing malpractice exist, although authorities and medical organizations establish many rules to avoid them. Negligence in nursing occurs when the care services provided by a competent nurse does not meet high standards in the healthcare industry that lead to mental or physical harm for a patient...

“Grace‑Full Leadership” by Bowling

I chose to review the seventh chapter of John Bowling’s book, where the author describes the importance of balance between leaders’ aims and the collective ones. Bowling (2011) states that: “grace-full leadership is “high touch” in at least four dimensions: staying in touch with yourself, the internal and external environment...

Literacy Abilities and Teacher Instructions

A formative literacy assessment the practicum teacher uses and how that assessment informs his or her instruction When working with a group of ethnically diverse kindergarten-age students, my practicum teacher makes extensive use of formative assessments. One example is the use of a word prediction activity that sheds light on...

Transparency in Public Finance and Budgeting: Kansas City Police Department

Introduction Transparency and accountability in public finance and budgeting serve as crucial elements which enhance efficient and effective fiscal resource management. In Kansas City, the Police Department has taken stringent measures to ensure the proper handling of pecuniary and budget components and compliance with the established liability and ethical standards...

Coexist Documentary: The 1994 Genocide in Rwanda

Introduction Coexist Documentary tells the story of the 1994 genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda, its consequences, and the policies aimed at restoring peace, tolerance, and reconciliation in this South-African country (Upstander Project, 2012). During this catastrophic event, nearly one million people were killed, at least 250000 women were raped, and...

Information Systems Management During COVID-19

Introduction Information systems (IS) and technology play a pivotal role in the course of COVID-19 and the multiple aspects that the pandemic encompasses. Technology became a primary focus and a supporting point in finding a proper cure, maintaining the functioning of the supply chains, and allowing businesses to find new...

Aldi Supermarket: Financial Analysis

Introduction Aldi is a global supermarket chain that is based in Germany. Aldi is a short form of “Albrecht Discount”. It is one of the world’s largest retail chains operating in more than 8000 stores globally (Aldi par.1). Aldi was founded by Karl and Theo Albrecht’s brother in 1946. They...

The Clean Air Act’s History and Background

Introduction Background and History of the Clean Air Act The atmosphere is a very crucial component when it comes to supporting human existence. Based on the environmental situation in the past four decades, human beings and even scholars have acknowledged the impact that pollution can have on the air that...

Response to Cyber-Attacks Towards Another State-Sponsored Group

In case a cyber-attack on another state-sponsored group was detected, the first step is to notify partners and federal agencies to increase their level of concern. This interagency approach is considered to be effective to support the government response (Pomerleau, 2015, June 10, para. 6). The coordination between the agencies...

“A Pair of Ragged Shoes” Photovoice of Homeless

Background Photovoice acts as a valuable tool that integrates images with words to drive a particular message that would bring about desirable change. In so doing the concerned parties get an opportunity to bring the issues that affect them into light thereby influence stakeholders including policymakers, humanitarian organizations, and health...

Kant and Rousseau on a Moral Life

Introduction Immanuel Kant and Jean Jacques Rousseau are considered to be among the most prominent philosophers of their epoch. Undoubtedly, their views and theories are worth full appreciation and deep consideration. Some of their ideas are incredibly relevant nowadays, contributing to understanding many issues, ranging from inequality to immorality. The...

Epistemology and Other Philosophical Schools

Introduction Throughout history, the attention of philosophers was directed to the attempts to grasp the meaning of life and the search for universal wisdom. However, despite the common intention, their approaches differed depending on their perceptions of reality, which resulted in the emergence of numerous schools. In other words, the...

Sophist Philosophy and Importance of Power

Sophists have played a crucial role in shaping the Ancient Greek civilization and, consequently, the entire Western civilization. Initially, they were philosophers and scholars who taught various subjects for money. They managed to transform Athens and contributed to the promotion of the cultural and social roles that ensured the city’s...

Critique Against Orwell’s Style in “Animal Farm”

Orwell’s Animal Farm is capturing the cynic and sick reality of the world through farm animals, becoming one of the thought-provoking literary pieces for many people. However, the author’s style has also initiated certain arguments and was frequently called mediocre. His books often talked about politics and the unjust system,...

“Growth and Resource Allocation of Water Hyacinth” by Xie et al.

The article in question is published in 2004 and deals with the resource allocation of water hyacinth (Xie, Wen, Yu and Li 257). The researchers tried to understand the way the species will react to the increase in nutrients. This paper includes a summary of the article. The focus is...

History Channel’s 9/11 Timeline Documentary Analysis

The History Channel’s documentary 9/11 Timeline: The Attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City (2011) shows the events of September 11, 2001, and the witnesses’ reactions to them. Using videos from that day and 3D images of the World Trade Center, it reconstructs the timeline of the...

Contingency in the Context of History

As the election of 1860 becomes nearer, the existing systemic disagreements reveal themselves on a larger scale. The United States remains divided, and the resolution of this crisis should be the primary focus of the upcoming years. Over the 19th century, the issue of civil rights in the context of...

Liberal and Postmodernist Theories of Feminism

Introduction When one has to deal with the analysis of gender problems and the inequality of sexes in society, he or she will inevitably face lots of problems. This is so because the gender question has always arisen much controversy, and people have always failed to find a common point...

Nurse Practitioner’s Present and Future Opportunities

Nursing in an intensive care unit can be challenging and requires complete physical, mental and intellectual dedication. Therefore, not many people choose this career path for themselves. The positive side is the sufficient number of job opportunities for ICU nurses, including work in intensive care units and vacancies where such...

Disaster Characteristics and Management Stages

Introduction Disasters and natural calamities affect the lives of many people. Communities should have efficient disaster management plans (DMPs) in order to help every affected citizen (Nies & McEwen, 2015). Such management plans should be properly coordinated in order to be successful. Different stakeholders should also be involved throughout the...

The Legislative Branch Overview

As the government’s function begins with the drafting, subsequent enforcement, and application of laws. the Legislative Branch may be regarded as the most important among other governmental bodies. Established by Article I of the Constitution of the United States, it is responsible for the creation, development, and modification of the...

History of the Air Cargo Industry

The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 was a United States federal law that radically changed the airline industry and transformed it into a system witnessed in modern times. Previously, the industry was heavily regulated by the government in routes, new airlines, fares, and cargo. The deregulation established a free market...

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

To most writers, their language is not just a method of formulating thoughts into words. As a brush for an artist, a language is a trade tool for those who live and breathe through composing sentences into a written masterpiece (Tan). Amy Tan is the author of a widely known...

Heidegger’s and Ellul’s Views on Technology

Introduction Technological advancement and the development of human society have been some of the most widely discussed and considered topics in the field of philosophy. With the introduction of new mechanisms that allow people to move along the line of progress, the bright minds of every generation start to wonder...

The Non-profit Organizational Change

The non-profit organization in question is suffering from a high turnover rate due to volunteers’ burnout. Inconsistency in staffing leads to the overload of the loyal members, namely, ex-homeless veterans who are willing to help but feeling exhausted and demoralized. As emphasized by Bryson (2018), burnout is a common occurrence...

Hipster – Contemporary Subculture

Subcultures are smaller social groups that have norms and values that are different from those practiced by the majority in society. Since they have a distinct set of beliefs, which do not align with that of a wider culture, they are usually considered deviant. Examples of subcultures in the world...

Architectural Styles in Different Periods

Introduction Admittedly, religious beliefs and traditions influence architectural styles immensely. Basically, people manifest their religious beliefs by constructing their sacred edifices. As Victor Hugo once noted, cathedrals (sacred buildings) were regarded as great and enduring books to reveal the history and the values of people. Indian and Chinese caves Caves...

Student Assessment Methods in Early Education

Student Assessment: definition The problem of evaluating the knowledge and skills of students became relevant even when the first schools appeared. At all times, students who demonstrate positive learning outcomes and meet the academic expectations of teachers are encouraged through praise, estimations, or public discussion of their professionalism and personal...

Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Breast Cyst Patient

Diagnosis Based on the differential diagnoses, the most likely diagnosis for the patient is the presence of a breast cyst. Benign breast cysts are tender to the touch and can cause mild pain, which is different from fibroadenomas that are firm and commonly painless (Mayo Clinic Staff, n.d.) The lump...

Quality and Safety Outcomes in Nursing

Nursing practice is a field, which requires constant improvements, as it regards people and their health. Thus, the necessity to monitor and assess the performance is evident. The quality outcomes plan appears to be an appropriate solution for this aim. It regards the evidence-based practice (EBP) quality metrics, which are...

The Division of the Korean Peninsula

­ Introduction Korea has been a point of contention for many parties in the world, as a developing nation close to a large number of other nations that wanted to use its development for their benefit (Division of Korea). Up until 1910, Korea was a united nation ruled by a...

Remix in Business Innovation

In business, like in any other sphere of life, the development of new ideas is based on the incorporation and remixing of old ones. According to Ferguson (2015), everything created by humans in the contemporary world is a remix since people are using old findings, existing knowledge, and ideas to...

The Role of the Media on Political Process

The influence of the media on public policy Mechanisms of media influence on politics Different access to media for different groups of the population Publications that focus on individuals Active media coverage of political material The media’s influence only manifests itself under certain conditions (for example, the availability of mass...

Corporate Entrepreneurship Reflective Journal

Innovation is central to entrepreneurship, as well as progress in any sphere of human life. It may seem that bright ideas are at the core of innovation. Clearly, projects and new products emerge when a brilliant idea is brought to existence. However, people tend to forget that idea is itself...

Neighbour Rosicky and Journey Examples in Literature

Willa Cather’s short story, Neighbour Rosicky, is one of the most discussed novels worldwide. The life of the characters is based in the 20th century, which possesses its own distinguishing qualities. Even though Neighbour Rosicky is set in a specific timeline, one could still wonder about the consequences of the...

A Study of the Logos in John 1:1-18

Introduction It should be noted that studies devoted to an in-depth analysis of sacred gospel passages are useful activities not only for becoming more familiar with the meanings and messages implicit in the passages but also for gaining skills for critical analysis in a literary-historical context. This paper focuses on...

Jails and Houses of Correction

Compare and contrast the purposes of jails and prisons Jails and prisons are the two types of institutional facilities for confining people convicted of crimes. Jails are for prisoners who await trial or are convicted of minor crimes and aim to hold prisoners for a short period of time (Siegel...

The Impact of The Civil War in American History

The Civil War is a transformational period for people’s consciousness in the United States. It happened between 1861-1865 and was a pivotal event to determine the kind of nation the US citizens would be (Masich 3). The Civil War began on account of inflexible contrasts between the states which were...