Amazing Case Study Samples

Halio Platform Internalization and Business Models

Introduction The platform business model has a significant force in terms of internationalization due to such significant competitive advantages compared to other models like digital technologies and network effects. First of all, such firms are unique in the way that they are part of the business that connects the right...

The Brand Focus in the Context of the Olympic Games

Olympic Games are not only the site of competition, but the Olympics are also the venue where popular brands sponsor sports teams and individual athletes to receive a return on their investments in the future. Indeed, sporting events are considered powerful ways to raise awareness about a brand, increase its...

Aspects of Organizational Culture at IKEA

Culture plays an essential role in every organization because it affects the level of cooperation between employees, sets appropriate values and behaviors, and affects its ability to adapt to external changes and threats. American psychologist Edgar Schein has developed ten mechanisms that leaders use to change the culture of their...

The Five-Step Ethical Decision-Making Process

When it comes to ethical decision-making, the five-step decision-making process can be highly useful. The latter is comprised of five key steps, which include developing a problem statement, identifying alternatives, choosing an alternative, implementing a decision, and evaluating results (Reynolds, 2018). Firstly, the problem statement is as follows: An ineffective...

Ethical Challenges in Healthcare: The Case Study

Overdiagnosis is a critical matter when it comes to medical concerns. The harms of the same arise from normal circumstances such as grief, menopause, and shyness, which can adversely affect an individual when deemed an illness. Samuel is fully aware of the diagnosis he is giving, and he has put...

When Steve Becomes Stephanie

Analysis of the Case Study Steve, a sales director at Lasalle (a fortune 1000 company), decides to have a gender transition and informs the senior management. Steve is a 38-year-old male who earned his position after continuously contributing to increased sales through his well-established customer base. Steve is regarded as...

Nurse Administrator’s Roles in Managing Victims of Human Trafficking

Introduction Human trafficking is an emerging public health issue of global concern. It is the forceful and unlawful transportation or recruitment of individuals into compulsory labor or sexual exploitation. Numerous cases of human trafficking are on the rise globally (Winterdyk, 2018). This menace goes against human rights provisions as persons...

Ambulatory Care Issue of New Department Director

Introduction The case describes a situation that happened to a new director of ambulatory care, Dr. Grant, preoccupied with an overcrowded emergency department. Families and patients are waiting for hours due to a limited number of beds and a staff shortage. For this reason, the hospital would regularly send incoming...

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment Analysis

Tuskegee syphilis experiment was carried out in Tuskegee, Alabama, in the United States in 1972. In this experiment, three hundred and ninety-nine African-American men were recruited to participate. Most of these participants were illiterate, and they did not understand the purpose of that experiment. The experiment’s focus was to study...

Treatment Plan For the Patient With Hyperactivity Disorder

Case Diagnosis The presented case of Carlos, a 19-year-old student, provides an opportunity to analyze his mental state and give appropriate arguments confirming the existence of individual disorders. Based on the case assessment, a specific treatment plan will be drawn up, short- and long-term goals within the SMART methodology will...

Aspects of Gastroschisis

Introduction Gastroschisis is a defect, typically found after the baby is born, which is connected with the incorrect formation of the abdominal wall. In this situation, a hole appears near the belly button, and the baby’s intestines and, in many cases, other organs fall outside of the body through it....

Prevalence of Trachoma and Its Impact on Society

Jerry is a ten-year-old poor boy living in a large family. He lives in a crowded place with fly infestation and does not have enough money to deal with it. Jerry’s conjunctiva is swollen and the doctor mentions that his eye has been infected with the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. The...

Depression Treatment with Occupational Therapy

The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) Over the last two weeks how often have youbeen bothered by any of the following problems Not at all Several days More than half the days Nearly every day 1 Little pleasure in doing things 0 1 2 3 2 Feeling down, depressed or hopeless...

Leadership for Effective Positive Change in Nursing

Opening Position Organizations indeed are “living social organisms” and that change, without intentional planning and reinforcement, will not last. In addition, if the change is not managed intentionally over the intermediate and long terms, the old ways begin to creep back in. Change has both situational and psychological aspects and...

Person-Centered Care of Diabetes Mellitus

Introduction Diabetes in the elderly population remains a public health challenge in the field of nursing. The global prevalence of the disease is 8.8% for individuals aged below 80 years but above 18 years (International Diabetes Federation [IDF], 2019). The socioeconomic impact of the condition is remarkable, and based on...

Trichinellosis Disease Treatment and Prevention

A 22-year-old woman visited the healthcare organization on Saturday complaining of headaches, weakness, high fever, fatigue, and swelling of the eyelids, which started six days ago. The physician realized that the woman’s eyes were pink during the examination. The healthcare provider questioned the patient about her diet over the past...

Cystic Fibrosis Classification and Related Disorders

Introduction Cystic fibrosis (CF) affects mainly the lungs and pancreas; however, there is also a risk that organs of the digestive and reproductive systems, as well as kidney and bladder, will be damaged (Di Lullo et al. 36). With the development of the disease, the patient acquires different symptoms, and...

E-Government Website Evaluation

Introduction In the modern world, a significant part of life goes online. That is why it is a typical scenario that people to access appropriate websites to use government services and find the required information. According to Gritsenko and Zherebtsov (2021), governments use web-based resources to provide citizens, businesses, and...

Methods of Investment Appraisal

Many businesses around the world still fail because their capital investment decisions are based upon a calculation on the back of an envelope and do not take any of the correct factors into account. Even larger businesses often get this wrong. This is a true sign of poor resource management....

Assessment of a Patient with a Low Back Pain

Subjective Patient: Lambargo, 80 years old white male; Chief complaint: low back pain; History of present illness The pain started ten days ago when he woke up. He did the hard gardening job bending over pulling weeds the day before the problem occurred, therefore, he considered that work as a...

Indian Immigrants Culture Through Cultural Competence

Introduction As the world becomes increasingly multicultural due to effects of globalization and migration of labor (Wexler, 2012), health professionals are now, more than ever before, aware of the heightened challenges they face when meeting the healthcare needs of a culturally diverse population (Bhui et al., 2007). As suggested by...

Sparton Company’s Social Media and Strategic Marketing

Sparton is one of the leading defense contractors for maritime defense systems. The company is also a leading provider of engineered products, such as sonobuoys provision to the U. S. Navy (Sparton, 2020b). Although the primary focus of the organization is on the military and aerospace industries, Sparton identified two...

Maryland Technology Consultants’ New Hiring System

MTC’s business purpose is to supply its customers, including small- and mid-size businesses, nonprofits, and governmental organizations, with highly professional experts and consultants in business process consulting, IT consulting, and IT outsourcing consulting. Currently, the firm is anticipating expanding procedures, which will require the fast hiring process of numerous applicants...