Amazing Assessment Samples

Prostitution: Why People Engage in Sex Work

Prostitution has been one of the major concerns of modern society. In a variety of countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Greece, and Austria sex work stays legal and is controlled by law. It might seem that decriminalization of the sex trade is inhumane, on the other hand, it gives...

Freedom of Speech in Berkeley in the Sixties

The film Berkeley in the Sixties covers several civil liberties and civil rights issues. At the basis of the narrative lies the Free Speech Movement (FSM), which started as a student process at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1964. During the sixties, freedom of speech was crucial to many...

History of the Art of Rhetoric

Rhetoric has a long and complicated development history in Western societies. Ancient Greeks are considered the first nation that elaborated on many principles that form a good and persuasive speech as well as providing various definitions. For instance, according to Aristotle, rhetoric is “the faculty of discovering in any particular...

Personal and Gender Safety in School

Research Question The fundamental interest of this statistical project was to determine the agenda of perceived mental safety and gender equity in the school setting. This is a quantitative study attempting to answer the question, “How many students from different grades and ages do or do not feel personal and...

Nursing Quality Indicators: Nurse Turnover

Introduction The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) is a nursing portfolio that provides reports on the process, structure, and outcome metrics that explore the care at a unit level. Usually, the reports are derived at quarterly or yearly intervals. Nursing-sensitive indicators refer to the elements of patient care...

Improvement Plan Tool Kit for Healthcare System

The need for safety and quality enhancement initiatives pervades the health care system. In the course of providing medical services, mistakes occur and these may negatively affect patient outcomes. To ensure that these errors do no reemerge, an improvement plan must be in place. Thus, the goal of this improvement...

Principles of Using Health Information Systems

Concerns on the Dimension of Time Meaningful Use (MU) as an incentive for electronic health records (EHR) is a major initiative that will revolutionize the healthcare sector. Concerns about time in implementing this program amongst the providers arise (Shea et al., 2014). Some providers assert that the implementation of the...

The Primary Features of Cluster B Personality Disorders

Introduction Addressing personality disorders is a demanding and challenging task since it involves changing patients’ behaviors and encouraging them to alter their perceptions of themselves and relationships with others. Therefore, understanding personality disorders is vital in assisting patients in fighting the challenges that the disorders in question represent for their...

Nosocomial Infections Problem and Its Resolution

Introduction In everyday medical practice, nurses face numerous healthcare issues that need careful consideration, comprehensive knowledge, and a solid skill set to be adequately addressed. These skills are generally related to effective leadership, management, collaboration, problem identification, and strategic planning and implementation. This paper aims to examine the population health...

Lake County Health Status Profile

Introduction: The County’s General Information Lake County, the poorest in the state, is situated in the northwest of California, and Lakeport is the County seat. The county, created on May 20, 1861, has a total population of 64,386 as of 2019 (United States Census Bureau, 2019). It covers an area...

Prompt and Action Plan: Privacy and Confidentiality

Compliance Violations There were several compliance violations in the aforementioned case, but the three of them were particularly significant. The first violation concerned a USB drive being left unattended in the IT department and exposed to the view of other people through an open door. Such a situation demonstrates a...

SOAP Note for a Patient with Degenerative Joint Disease in Both Knees

Subjective Ms. Johnson is a 50-year-old single parent working as an administrative assistant. Diagnosed with degenerative joint disease in both knees, she decided to undergo a bilateral total knee replacement. Her goals were to relieve pain, return to a healthy lifestyle, and actively participate in her daughter’s life and church...

Inflammation Process in a Medial Collateral Ligament Tear

Introduction Inflammation entails the process through which the body fights and protects itself from infection, and toxins, and, in case of tissue damage, it initiates healing. It can happen due to damaging healthy cells or tissues, for example, during sports or after accidental falls (McCance & Huether, 2018). Inflammation forms...

Health Assessment: Progress Notes for the Three Patients

Progress Notes: Patient’s Name: Mrs. White DOB: 12-08-76 Appl. /TPO Assignment: TPO-4-1 The Anxious Patient. Date Allergies: Aspirin Initials 3/26/21 4.00 PM The patient came to the clinic for her annual physical check-up. However, the patient appears to be fidgeting in her seat, evidenced by repetitive pacing movements. The patient...

Marketing in Healthcare Organizations During COVID-19 in Germany

Introduction Marketing is a strategic method used for selling goods or services to consumers. Healthcare marketing is the process of boosting and improving the community’s health through communication, delivery, development of health-related information or products, and intervention strategies. The primary purpose of healthcare marketing is to create effective systems that...

Systems Development Life Cycle: Role of Nurse

Nurse informaticians, leaders, and managers are involved in all stages of systems development and implementation. The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a “standardized approach used to develop and implement information technology” (McBride & Tietze, 2016, p. 192). McGonigle & Mastrian (2017) compare the SDLC to the nursing process, where...

Aspects of Trichomoniasis

A 32-years-old female patient is presented to the emergency department with a chief complaint of green, foul-smelling vaginal discharge accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, and lower back pain. A physical exam reveals no abdominal rigidity but reddened cervix, bilateral adnexal tenderness, and chandelier sign. Based on the presenting symptoms, the...

What the Health: The Documentary’ Review

The documentary under the title ‘What the Health’ was first released in 2017 and has gained much attention from the viewers. In the movie, the author delivers a very strong message concerning health issues and their direct relation to the ways people consume food and what type of meals they...

Major Transformation That Shaped China After 1949

Major Transformation and Obstacles that Shaped China After 1949 Around the globe, no country has undergone a tremendous transformation as compared to China. Similarly, it has continued to develop in many areas since time immemorial and they include trade, religion, and education. It is the only nation transormed from an...

Strategies for Overcoming Reading Difficulties

Introduction Reading is a complex psychophysiological process in which the visual, motor, speech, and hearing systems of the brain take part. The basis of reading is the joint activity of various areas of the brain, the violation of which is manifested in special types of disorders (Ratz & Lenhard, 2013)....

Determinism, Free Will, and Consequences

Determinism and Free Will People often live without understanding the reasons behind their reactions and behavior. When psychologists and philosophers try to define the factors that make humans act the way they do, there is no single theory that all the researchers accept. Some believe that people exercise free will...

Divine Interventions in Homer’s “The Iliad”

Most Greek mythologies systematically included the intervention of gods and goddesses in the matters of the mortal realm. This scenario holds true for Homer’s The Iliad, as explored in this paper. The book presents several divine interventions which result in both negative and positive outcomes for human beings. The gods...

Eastern Greene’s Learning Program Implementation

There are numerous innovations that Eastern Greene has implemented recently. Nevertheless, this paper is centered on its efforts to provide the students with proper classes and feedback from teachers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The district came up with new methods of learning the students using information technologies,...